Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Appeal for help - Urban Oasis
Hello Friends,
For the past year, many volunteers have been working hard to make Urban Oasis a reality. Urban Oasis is a community where our youth from South Central Los Angeles can feel safe, supported and valued. This project is currently our top priority, but it takes time and resources. Our volunteers are working as quickly as they can to make it happen.
In the meantime, there is an URGENT need for an interim facility to house “Urban Oasis”. Our teens have no place to go and they are turning to the street. What used to be safe havens for our teens are no longer options. Many of these places have chosen to support a much younger population. They are struggling to survive; their dreams feel no longer in reach and many have lost hope for college. The need for space is IMMEDIATE as Youth Mentoring Connection no longer has access to a previously used drop in center as well as their transportation capabilities. Teens need a place where they can come and feel safe, supported and ultimately just be. Where they can meet their mentor, do their homework, get counseling, watch movies with friends, laugh and be a part of a supportive community, something that all teens need in order to thrive.
Ideally we are looking for a facility with open space as well as some offices (to replace the current YMC Office). The space should be a minimum of 4,000-6,000 square feet. The preferred location would be close to the current mentees—north of
We are asking for your help in suggesting contacts who may own or have access to property in this area. This may include other teen service organizations, elected politicians and their staff, local churches, development or other applicable government organizations, community leaders like Magic Johnson or anyone who might be able to refer us to others. If there is space that is not being utilized now that we can turn into a vital center to get young people off the streets that would be ideal. If we can get that space for little or no cost, that would be even better. (We all know the state of the economy.)
We are happy to do the “legwork” but any personal referrals/initial contacts would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your continued support. If you think you or someone you know can help, please reply to this e-mail or contact
Thank you,
President and Founder
Youth Mentoring Connection
PS We also need a temporary place to park a small shuttle bus in the same area, until we have a secure location.