Tuesday, December 20, 2011

CHLA Holiday Party

This was our holiday session with our mentors and mentees. We had dinner following our white elephant gift exchange, which was filled with a lot of goofy gifts.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Warner Bros. Holiday Party 2011-2012

In this session our Mentors and Mentee's enjoyed a fun game of White Elephant after eating a delicious Christmas Lunch at Warner Bros. Here are a few pictures of our lovely matches having a great time and showing love all around. Enjoy.

Friday, December 16, 2011

HBO- Holiday Party

In honor of the holidays we decided to have some fun by playing the White Elephant game at the HBO holiday party. The mentees had a chance to spend quality time with their mentors and open really cool gifts. The game got really exciting because they got to "steal" a couple of the gifts from each other, this of course following the rules of the game.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

CHLA 2011-2012 Matching Session

In this session, mentors and mentees were matched and got to know each other through the mentor/mentee interview and introduced each other to the rest of the group!